Wayne Alpern

C o m p o s e r

Published Articles

The Triad of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful: Schenker’s Moralization of Music and His Legal Studies with Robert Zimmermann and Georg Jellinek (pdf)
Essays from the Fourth International Schenker Symposium, Vol. 2, Georg Olms Verlag (2013)

Music Theory as a Mode of Law: The Case of Heinrich Schenker, Esq. (pdf)
Cardozo Law Review (1998-99) 

Aggregation, Assassination, and an “Act of God”: The Impact of the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Upon Webern’s Op. 7 No. 3 (pdf)
Theory and Practice, The Journal of the Music Theory Society of New York State (1996)

Will the Real Anton Webern Please Stand Up? (pdf)
Music Theory Online: The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory (1998)

Butterfly: Tributes and Reminiscences (pdf)
Structure and Meaning in Tonal Music: Festschrift in Honor of Carl Schachter, Harmonologia Series No. 12 (2006)

Twentieth-Century Originals (pdf)
Institute for Studies in American Music Newsletter (1999)

Schenkerian Jurisprudence: Echoes of Schenker’s Legal Education in His Musical Thought
City University of New York (2005, unpub. doctoral dissertation)

Cultural Funding Standards
New York Law Journal

Cultural Peer Review
New York Law Journal (1988)

Artists’ Rights
New York Law Journal (1987)

 Art and Accountability in the Era of Government Funding
New York Law Journal

Interview with Steve Reich
New York Arts Journal (1980)


Founder/Director’s Speeches:
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory

Institute on The State of the Discipline (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2011)

Institute on Musical Aesthetics (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2010)

Institute on Music and The Mind (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2009)

Institute on Jazz Meets Pop (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2008)

Institute on Schoenberg and His Legacy (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2007)

Institute on Chromaticism (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2006)

Institute on Rhythm and Temporality (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2005)

Institute on Musical Form (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2004)

Institute on Transformational Theory and Analysis (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2003)

Institute on Schenkerian Theory and Analysis (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2002)

Institute on Historical Music Theory (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2001)

Founder/Director’s Collected Speeches (pdf)
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2001-11)

The Florentine Camerata
University of Chicago (2010)

Rhythmogenesis: The Origins of Rhythm
Mannes Theory Forum (2009)

Boolean Music Theory
New England Conference of Music Theorists (2008)

Why is Schoenberg Great?
Mannes Institute for Advanced Studies in Music Theory (2007)

A Guide for the Musically Perplexed
Music Theory Society of New York State (2007)

The Jazz Legacy of James Europe
American Musicological Society (2006)

Gesualdo and Jefferson
Yale University (2005)

Motivic Parsimony in Bach’s English Suite No. 1
Mannes Theory Forum (2004)

Early Jazz in New York
International Society for American Music (2003)

Music, Magic and Taboo
International Musicology Society (2003)

Less is More: American Minimalism
University of Rome (2003)

Music Theory in the United States
University of Vienna (2002)

Borodin on Broadway, Shostakovich on the Silver Screen
Nabokov Museum, St. Petersburg (2001)

Robert Schumann and the Logic of Discontinuity
Music Theory Society of New York State (2001)

Alban Berg and the Geometry of Ambivalence
Society for Music Theory (2000)

Anton Webern and Musical Ambiguity
Music Theory Midwest (1999) 

Bela Bartok’s Progressive Contour Transformations
Music Theory Midwest (1998) 

Love, War, and Recapitulation in Mozart’s Piano Concerto K. 271
City University of New York (1997)

Minimum Aggregate Partitions in Babbitt’s String Quartets
Society for Music Theory (1996)

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